Shortish, Longish, and Hardish!
Actually 16K in 1:20:50 that felt tough throughout. A little disappointing in the sense that I ran the exact same course in June 15 seconds faster (no big deal) but a a fairly signifigantly lower average heart rate (123 in June versus 128). I attribute this to a very humid day, the fact that it was my third consecutive running day, and no improvement in fitness since the June run.
For the record (to compare benchmarks for future runs of this course):
Falmouth to the bottom of State Street 35:08; Ave. HR = 119
Up State Street Hill (to Congress) 2:58; Ave. HR = 137
Down State to Commercial 4:19; 128
Commercial to the East End Bike Path 7:24; 132
The Bike Path to the East end Beach 7:23; 132
East End Beach to the Back Cove Path 8:03; 136
Back Cove Path to Scott's House 15:33; 139
On balance, a decent training week. 47K that included a lot of time (50% of total) at theoretical marathon race pace (yes, thinking more about this) and a 6 X 1K VO2 Max session. I need another good week and a decent race on Saturday (the Clam Festival Classic/5 miles).