Friday, October 19, 2007

Catching up

I had a good run around the Back Cove plus on Wednesday morning. For the majority of the run we (Scott and I) ran at 8:00/mile pace. At my current fitness level I find this pace challenging. It's amazing how quickly fitness goes and how hard it is to get it back, at least at my age. Another thing that happens at my age is that kids grow up and leave the nest. Like my baby Sam. Oh yeah, I got my camera back! My Blog will be slightly less boring now.

I had a couple of decent rows this week also: 7.25K in 30 minutes and 5K in 21:00. I'm off for a 1 hour row this morning. My weekend goal is a 1 hour run. Once I can run (and row) for an hour and beyond my weight will start to drop. I just wish I had appropriate fuel, like the bowl of ramen in the photo above or below or to the side (I'm never sure where these things land once I push attach--I'll get better at that, too).


Stephen Lacey said...

It landed above. So did Sam. Yeah, they sure do grow up quick huh. Congratulations anyway, you seem to have done a pretty good job guiding the all through to a point of (almost) independence.

Sounds like the fitness is coming along. Take it easy.

Pete said...

Thanks, Steve. I can't quite get the photos and the text to quite line up the way I'd like. The kids seem to be doing okay, though.