Tuesday, February 13, 2007



Stephen Lacey said...


what's the target and by when?

Jeff said...

I looked back because I know there was some kind of goal statement in an early post: 42:00 or better in the Beach to Beacon 10K. I saw no specific weight goal, which I think is healthy. Beach to Beacon's in August, right? Have they opened and closed registration yet?

Pete said...

Steve and Jeff-

Good questions. I'll start with the easy one. B-to-B registration opens on March 15. I have marked my calendar to register on that day.

And, I don't have a weight goal. To run 42:00 at B-to-B I need to be in 20 minute 5K shape. To do that I need to run a lot (in the 70K per week range) with some intensity. I know that I can't achieve ultimate or interim goals at my current weight. I've assumed that by training properly, the weight will come off. I'm stating to think that that is a dangerous assumption. Therefore:

235 on my Monday 2/19 weigh in.
230 on 2/26
225 on 3/5
220 (100, Steve) on 3/12

This means no beer from 2/19 to 3/12 (I think). This is serious. And I'm sober as I write this.


Jeff said...

I'm happy to see that if you meet all your weight goals, I'll still weigh less than you, even if I stay at my current slothful status. That means you can load up a plate for me at the Kerryman Pub finish like I said -- no one will look askance at a guy your size hogging stuff -- I can eat all you grab, and I'll still be able to tell people, "I'm not that out of shape; at least I weigh less than my big brother."