Saturday, December 22, 2007

The Long Row, Shortened

I bailed out of a planned 25K row after 15.5K. It was a really uncomfortable, slow slog from the get-go. My HR was higher than usual despite rowing slower than usual. My butt is abrazed again and my low back really hurt. The 5:00 alarm was really harsh after having lifted quite a few pints to my departed friend Mark the night (and into the morning) before. With my regular gyn closed I had to go to my back up gym, and they don't maintain the machines well.

So, enough whining (whining would've been really offensive to Mark). I'll run on the treadmill tomorrow to cap a decent workout week, and then get back to the back up gym for a Monday row.

1st pettau 10:08 HR 111
2nd 9:56 124
3rd 9:56 127
4th 9:56 129
5th 9:55 130
6th 10:13 125

and a final 500m in 2:00 to get to 50K for the week.

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