Friday, January 18, 2008

Midweek Adjustment...

.....and a reality check.

I decided that 2 things were critical to a successful workout week: resolving "backporch" issues referenced in my last post; and, sticking my 30K long row planned for Saturday morning. With that in mind I capped my row at 10K on Wednesday and ran short Thursday (5K). I'll repeat the short running workout today and will come in fresh, rested, and with my backside renewed for my Saturday morning long row.

I now have a potential rowing marathon venue:

I am very pleased to anounce the third annual Boston ERG Marathon will be held at the Newton Wellesley Hospital on Patriots day, April 21. The event is held at the hospital which is at about mile 17 of the other marathon that runs that day. Participants row on ERGs set up along side the race course. Individuals rowing the full marathon or teams rowing in relay are welcome. As in past years, this event supports the Newton Wellesely Hospital Breast Center and our breast cancer research program. Participants can be sponsored for the row. This year we will be asking a minimum of $100 per entrant.

Rowers in this event have set one world record (60-69yrs) and one #2 world time (30-35yr)

Schools and rowing clubs are welcome. Local prep crews have enjoyed the event.

Rowers are welcome to bring their own ergs, or row on machines we supply.

Interested parties should contact Fred Millham (

Help us line Route 16 with rowers this year and support breast cancer research!

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